Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bill Nye Vs. Ken Ham: Who Won?

Tuesday night Bill Nye (The Science Guy) debated Ken Ham, founder and CEO of Answers In Genesis (AIG) and President of the Creation Museum. The debate was highly publicized and live streamed on CNN. It focused on the question, "Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era?" Unsurprisingly, many peoples opinions on who won had more to do with their beliefs before the debate than the actual debate.

That said, the debate is below for your viewing pleasure. Additionally, here are some links to articles covering the debate from both sides of the table.

This is AIG's post debate coverage:
Here's an article written from Bill's perspective:
Here's an article that thinks both sides are wrong:
Here's another interesting article from a Christian with a slightly different take:

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