"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Matthew 5:6
When I first read this verse, I imagined a straight laced, uptight, Bible-toting church boy. That kid who never let anyone see him do something wrong, and was always ready to call out sin when he saw it. But I don't know if that's an accurate picture.
This is the girl who has lost a loved one to cancer. This is the boy who's father beats him every single day, for no real reason. This is for the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing, who wonder why someone would hate them so much. This is for those of us who have been oversees to third world countries, and seen the most abject poverty, and wonder who these people can still smile. These are the people who have come face to face with the brokenness of the world, and can't deny it. And they thirst for this brokenness to be fixed.
Enter the Gospel.
Jesus promises that one day they will. On the cross, Jesus dealt the death blow to Satan, sin, and death. And we look forward to the consummation of that victory at his second coming. Until then, He invites us into the joyful solution. Jesus has come to save the world, and as his Church, we're called to be his hands and feet. If you call yourself a Christian, you need to know that we're his plan.
So, echoing the words of Jesus, I invite you today to look out into the world, find something touched by unrighteousness, and do something to fix it. However small your action, it doesn't matter. Choose today to go be the Church.