Now with Black Friday in the past and Cyber Monday behind us we can see some of the headlines of the aftermath and it's astonishing! There were stories of people being tased by other civilians, trampling of little old ladies, and even people fist fighting over 29 cent towels at Wal-Mart!
It's easy to get caught up with the mega deals at stores, the holiday food, hosting family get togethers, traveling, the gifts, and all chaos of trying to have a good holiday season.
What we shouldn't forget is that this is the time of Advent.
Advent comes from the Latin word for "coming". Advent is the season of looking forward to the coming of Christ to earth. This is our time of waiting.
Christ came to this earth already as our perfect Savior. Now we eagerly wait for his return again. We wait for his promise of a new heaven and a new earth. We wait for our Savior to come once again and wipe away our tears, to end our sorrow, and to make all things new.
Let's not be distracted by mega deals or mall fights but lets have our eyes and hearts totally set on eagerly waiting for the coming of our Savior.